1.The study of management.
Management is practiced in businesses,hospital,universities,churces,and govermental agencies as well as in all other types of organized activities.While the practice of management is as old as civilization,systematic study of the field is fairly youg.In fact,anly a limited formal study of management took places until larger and more complex business organitations appeard at the turn of the present century .Despite this 20th century interest,howeever,management haas been an important element trought the ages in the growth and progress off all societies.
Altrought scholars and practicing managers have now produced an impressive body of knowladge,a comprehensive understanding of management is still limited.Yet,throught a continious refeniment of managrial theoris,techniques,and practices that have proveb useful in a variety of organization,a broader understanding of management is being developed.By studying this growing body of knowledge,one can better understand
how management contributes to the general welfare of our society.At the same time a systematic study of the field helps us to reconize the essential management skills needed in all oraganizations.Finaly,a concarted effort in studying,anderstanding,and aplying management theoris is required iff we are to deal effectively with the increasingly complex societal problems of today and tomorrow.Managers of the future cannot merely adapt to environmental changes beut must be able to shape the eviroment so that it will sustainal momentum of their organization.
2.The Management Process
Varios definition of management exist,most of which point out the nature and importance of the management as the process of planning,organizing,actuating,and controling and an organization's opertations in ortder to achieve a coordination of the human and material resuerces essebtial in the effective and efficient attainment of objektives.The activities in this process(planning,organizing,actuating,and cotroling) are called the function of management.These functions must be performed by all persons in managerial positions,whether administrator,directors,generals,departement heads,or first-line supervisior.In addition,it should be recognized that the management process is best desribed by these function,rather than gy the status or rank held by certain managers in an organitations.Managenent is neither the privilege nor the responsibilty of only a few memberes of an organization-it is the work of all individuals whose jobs are involed with reacing objectives throught the coordination of available resouces.
Application of the management functions must be considered within the confines of a given organizational setting.The functions are cleraly not part of a fixed mechacnical process that produces equal degrees of success for all managers.since we live in a world where change is constant,managers must deal with all kinds of uncertainties as they seek to accomplish organizational goals.As a result,planning,organizing,actuating,and controling must be blended and appropriately applied as they relate to the situation.Therefore,managers must be knowledgeable of the management process and situationally in formed if they expect to be successful in meeting the chalanges found in their respective organizations.
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