From a military standpoint there are wats and battles--wars are wonthrought strategy planning,while battles are guided by tacticalplans.
The battle is a short - term achiement whose secces may results from luck,astute decision making,initiative,leadership,and/or oppotunism.
Victory an war,however,depends an strategy planning.For definitional porposes,strategy planning involves the long-range planning activities of a manajers that considers enviromental factotrs in setting forth organizational characters,purpose,and direction.In abbreviated from,the strategi planning process involves (1) esthabilishingoveral goals, (2) determining long-range actions to be taken by anticipatiing the impcat of future anviromental forces, (3) identifying resouces and the methods used to allocate them in carrying out decisions,and ( 4) evaluating performance in relationship to esthablished goals.
In business organizations,both large and small,strategy planning and technical plans have the same meaning as in military oprations.For example,planning for the week's activities would normaly be regarded as tectical,but when the planning time frame involves three years or longer,it can be considered strategic.Of course,the strategy planning horizon vaeies with diffrent industries. A manufacturing firm,such as scripto,utilizes a 3-years basis.Since strategy planning involves longer planning horizons,it must include all activities that relate to on accomplishment of organizational goals.In this chapter we will look specificaly at the nature and content of strategic planning the forecasting assumptions involved in developing a plan,and an example of how a company changed its strategy to improve its market position.
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